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Rabbi Kalman Packouz had been educating people around the world with insights into life and personal growth from the Torah. In 1992, Rabbi Packouz launched the Shabbat Shalom Weekly, an electronic publication distributed each week via fax and email. What started as a local fax to fifty people quickly expanded nationally and internationally to more than 300,000 subscribers and is available in English, and Portuguese and may be found worldwide.
One of the first Torah emails on the internet, the Shabbat Shalom contains five elements: insights into personal growth and life or an upcoming holiday; a quick overview of the Torah portion of the week; a short D’var Torah, a lesson for life learned from a verse in the weekly Torah portion; candle-lighting times around the world; and a quote of the week. Over the years it has changed people’s lives and brought them closer to the Torah, the Jewish people, and Israel.
Shortly before he passed, Rabbi Packouz asked his close friend Rabbi Yitzchak Zweig to take over theresponsibilities of Shabbat Shalom Weekly.
Known for his brilliance, knowledge, and thought provoking lectures, Rabbi Zweig inspires thousands through his writings and outreach within the communities he serves. Rabbi Zweig is President and CEO of Talmudic University – a South Florida based educational organization on three campuses, with schools spanning preschool through graduate school.

Rabbi Yitzchak Zweig with Rabbi Kalman Packouz A"H
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